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Wink  Glimi  Dimi  Rince
Malakai  Sawred  Wren  Deslok
Ziggy  Gossard  Ulf
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Glimi ET Profile  Email

In July of 2003, Glimi came back as Co-Implementor to run the mud with Wink and Dimi.  Since his return, the mud has taken a giant step forward.  To the mud, he has added a ton af new elements, such as new races, skills, spells, and clan spells, among other things, the most recent of which can be read about on the "news" page.  A brief ET history of Glimi follows.  Glimi was Implementor along with Wink from 2002 to Winter 2003.  He is from a long line of players that come from Michigan, USA.  In the years prior to 2000, Dimi was helping Wink run the mud, and he noticed that quite a few players were logging in to play the mud from Michigan State University, the college at which he was enrolled.  He hung out with them a few times on campus and eventually some of them became immortals for the mud.  Their names were Ulf, Qwerty, Taj and Alexis.  A friend of Ulf's & Qwerty's from back home, using the name Glimi, started playing on the mud and eventually he became an immortal. 

Charmin As an immortal, Glimi loved making areas.  He made high-quality ones with way-cool mob, room and object programs.  His areas are among the most popular on the Mud.  Thus, it only made sense that he and his fellow Michiganian friend Alexis, who also loved making areas, were put in charge of area-creation.  He then began to program for the mud and eventually became Co-Implementor with Wink.  And boy could he program!  He was responsible for awesome, too-many-mention-to-here modifications to the code.  Like Wink, he learned to program mostly just by examining the mud code and by fooling around with it.  In the Spring of 2003, he left the mud, but hopefully he will come back.  He is one of the finest persons to ever help run the mud: he listened to the players and did his best to improve the mud for them.  He is creative, hard-working, very productive, warm, approchable, patient and gernerous.  His absence has left the mud with a huge void.  On this page is a picture of his good-looking dog Charmin.   Dimi/Jan/2004

Glimi's  ET Profile  Email

Wink  Dimi  Glimi  Rince  Mal  Red  Wren  Des  Zig  Goss  Ulf