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Wink  Glimi  Dimi  Rince
Malakai  Sawred  Wren  Deslok
Ziggy  Gossard  Ulf
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Necromancer Pic 2


Profile  Web Page  Email

Legion is Ziggy and is you Codak the Barabarian Ziggy Ziggy was an immortal for ET.  He did a variety of things for the mud: he improved many areas, he was a social tour-de-force on the gossip channel, and he ran awesome quests.  Along with Xap and Sawred, he is one of the most popular gods to ever grace ET.  He has a heart of gold, a mind sharper than a newly formed bic razor, and a soul nourished by the many who are one, whatever that means.  He hails from Houston, the city of the great Bum Phillips, located in the great Republic of Texas.  He was in a death mettle band there named Lejion, as you can see from the pic.  He is currently a thespian -- though he has not yet undergone a sex-change operation -- and is looking for a good woman and acting in plays.  On the mud he also played a character named Codak, who is Conan the Barbarian's less-well-known brother.  The pic on the right of Costas, Ziggy's name in real life, is what one would imagine Codak would look like and why he was not as successful and popular a warrior as his brother.  But seriously, the mud, as much as any program can, misses Ziggy and wants him and his skulls back.  Dimi/Jun/2003

Ziggy is now learning about various aspects of web programming, such as css and xml.  A true warrior, giving of himself for others, he also wants to join the military of the USA, where he lives, or of Greece, his ancestral home.  Jan/04

Zig's  Profile  Web Page  Email

Wink  Dimi  Glimi  Rince  Mal  Red  Wren  Des  Zig  Goss  Ulf