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Wink  Glimi  Dimi  Rince
Malakai  Sawred  Wren  Deslok
Ziggy  Gossard  Ulf
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Wren Her ET Profile  Email Her

Wren is an immortal for ET whose duties include running quests, making sure the rules are followed, and making areas.  She just recently made her first area, called Tarn.  It has a great variety of characters and creatures in it and a quest to save the realm from the evil which has it in its grips.  Psionicists will love the area for it is rich in equipment which enhances kai, the mental energy that they need for projecting the power of their minds to control nature.  Wren has played the mud for many years.  As a mortal, she was in the mud's longest running clan, the Rose clan, where she helped the forces for good in the world.  She lives in Florida, USA.  She just started college there in 2003, where she is kicking ass due to radical brilliance.  Also, she is working her butt off this summer at a couple of jobs.  And, when she becomes intoxicated she sometimes does things she later regrets, but then we all do.  In addition, she looks and is very sweet.  But, players beware: she still finds the time to come on and catch the occasionaly cheater!  Moreover, she's cute.  Furthermore, she's hot.  Finally, she's the a-bomb.   Dimi/Dec/2003

Wren's  ET Profile  Email

Wink  Dimi  Glimi  Rince  Mal  Red  Wren  Des  Zig  Goss  Ulf