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World Lore

  © 1998 by    Pages
  Kayal     1-3  4-6  7-9  10-12  13-15  16-18  19-21  22-24  
  25-27  28-30  31-33  34-36  37-39  40-42
  Darksabre     43-45
  Zoracc     46-48  49-52

Tree of Life The Book of World Lore is a chronicle of ET's early years from the perpective of 3 World clan members. It begins with Kathy Griffin's, Kayal's, lengthy and moving entry, which follows unedited.

The Book of World Lore is massive. It has a black leather binding and, in large gold script, the word World across the top. A large colorful illustraion of the World tree dominates the rest of the cover.

Pages 1

She paused at the door. It was open. Just entering the Gold Hallway for the first time was daunting enough, but the thought of also entering this room was terrifying. The command had been clear though, "The God Darius commands you to his Room". She was sure those were the words that had echoed around and around in her head and had only stopped when she had reached this Hallway. She was only a child but she knew better than to ignore the summoning of a God, especially the summoning by her God. She was a child, but she was a child of World.

Tentatively, she stepped into the room. It was almost an anti-climax to find no-one there. The magnificent room was actually reassuring. The amazing and wonderful items seemed to blend into a peaceful and reassuring haven. Ancient tomes filled the shelves which lined the walls. A God who valued knowledge and entertained other possible views was a comforting image. But it was the fire pit in the center of the giant prayer wheel that really drew her eye. She had a strange affinity to fire. She smiled and almost relaxed as the glow of the fire cast comforting shadows around the room. Although her fear was dissipating, she didn't venture any further into the room. She waited respectfully at the door. The occasional crack from the fire broke the silence and she could also hear a strange creaking. It seemed to come from the balcony which she could just make out beyond the fire.

World Elf Page 2

Someone said "Don't stop child, its the balcony where you are needed"

She peered around herself intently but could no more discern the speaker, than she had been able to earlier when she'd received the command to come here.

She edged her way around the perimeter of the room, somehow feeling unworthy to step into or violate the sanctity of the beautiful prayer wheel. Again she paused, this time at the archway that lead out into the balcony. This glare of the sunlight, she felt momentarily blinded. All the while the creaking continued. As her vision adjusted she managed to make out the figure slowly rocking in the old chair. All she could really see was, cascading long fair hair and a shimmering cloak drawn tightly around the figure. The silence was broken by words softly murmured as though not really for the child to hear, "so the time has come, he has chosen the new Keeper". The figure turned and with a shock the child felt piercing blue eyes look deep into her soul. The Lady smiled and said softly "he has chosen will be true to World".

World Tree Page 3

The child gasped as the realization hit her. She couldn't stop the startled exclamation " are Kayal!" Shocked by her own temerity and rudeness she tried to stammer an apology. She stood before Kayal, one of the legends of World, she who had been Mortal and God and it was rumored was Mortal again. Involuntarily, her hand started to reach out, wanting to touch, to feel, to see if this was dream or reality. Instead she dropped into a deep curtsey and managed to say "My lady, forgive the rudeness".

Kayal gave a sad laugh and said "No child, I know they speak of me as a great hero, but you can see why I hide. Now I'm just an old war horse put out to pasture". Then with a sigh Kayal settled back into the rocking chair and murmured "Tis a slow process this dying". The child heard a sigh in the air and it seemed to spark some life into Kayal. For a moment she seemed to shimmer with power, though maybe it was anger, and in a vehement tone she spoke to the air "You said I could stay here forever and you know there is only one thing that can happen now".

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